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How Marketers Can Make The Most Of Retargeting Campaigns This Festive Season?

How Marketers Can Make The Most Of Retargeting Campaigns This Festive Season?

Retargeting campaigns are a golden ticket for any marketer during the festive sale season. There is a myth that re-engagement during the sale season seems irrelevant as people are already buying. 

The fact is that this is the perfect time when app marketers should invest in it. During the festive season, the shoppers are ready to purchase. Thus, organic engagement skyrockets and marketers sideline the need for paid marketing

But, instead, marketers should focus on dedicated seasonal campaigns to capture the interest of users who stay, engage and convert.  

Retargeted Campaigns – Alarm For The Sleeping Shoppers 

Data has backed up the fact that retargeted users are highly engaged and more likely to complete a purchase.  

According to a report, there are 70% chance of a user getting converted on the retailer’s website who is shown a display ad. 

Other stats say that there are 3 times higher chances for a retargeted customer to click on your ad than a new user. 

So, How Can You Make The Most Out Festive Seasons?    

To get the best result out of a re-engagement campaign, app marketers should divide the user base into different segments: 

  • Retargeting the active users to fasten the transaction processes because they showed interest in your brand or your content. They are most likely going to convert faster. 
  • Retargeting the new app users to gain their trust and retain them by offering first-time user benefits.  
  • Targeting the sleeping user to regain their attention and generate curiosity using exciting discounts and festive offers. 

However, there is a catch.

Amidst all the festivities, when marketers go all gaga over their ad spends to ensure their intended audience doesn’t lose interest, there are people behind the mask waiting to take advantage of this. 

Remarketing or retargeting campaigns are one of the most profitable ways for fraudsters to steal money under the nose of advertisers. They use techniques and tools like attribution hijacking, fake clicks, and fake devices to capture organic traffic and ruin the metrics for marketers.

Fraud In Retargeting Campaigns 

Retargeting and Remarketing campaigns are beneficial to capture the attention of the “intended” set of users, but it is a tricky business. There has to be a balance in how much you’re showing your ads to your re-targeted user base. 

Overdoing it might lead to annoyance among the users and they might eventually lose interest. And on top of that, the fraudsters make it worse for the marketers. 

Setting The “Good Traffic” Trap

During the festive season, people are ready to shop and marketers try to capture their attention with multiple ad exposures to convince a dormant user to take action. While increased ad frequency annoys the real users, the bots take the opportunity. 

The bots view the ads and even click on them to create an illusion for marketers that their ad campaigns are working successfully and driving engagement. Due to this illusion created by the fraudsters, the marketers allocate more budget to these re-engagement campaigns, eventually filling the pockets of the fraudsters. 

Pretending To Be The “Real-User” 

The bot activities are not limited to just inflating the ad traffic. In some cases, the bots also deliberately visit websites by hijacking the cookie data of a genuine user and pretending to be an “interested user”.  

The marketers will invest in retargeting campaigns to engage this anonymous user, assuming it to be their genuine user.  The bots keep this cycle on and the marketer spends continuously on these campaigns assuming they are targeting their dormant users. 

Stealing The Bigger “Moolah”

If a marketer thinks that to outsmart the bots, they can change the payout from clicks or impressions to something concrete like Sales, then the bots have a catch for that too. 

The bots just have to steal the last click attribution of an organic user and steal the cost per sale for a source which was eventually going to happen. 

The marketer didn’t have to pay for this install or sale as the user was going to take the action voluntarily. However, the fraudsters claim the credit for the sale falsely and commit the fraud of “organic stealing”  

This Sale Season, Take The Vigilance Route 

The festive season is the opportunity for marketers to capture a big pool of “interested users”. However, bots can turn this opportunity into a nightmare with their discreet behaviour. 

While running remarketing or retargeting campaigns, it is essential for marketers to do a check of their ad traffic and invest in campaigns fearlessly.  

The post How Marketers Can Make The Most Of Retargeting Campaigns This Festive Season? appeared first on Inc42 Media.

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