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Fossil-Free? Vattenfall And CAKE’s Bike Doesn’t Need Dinosaurs

There are a lot of electric motorcycles in the market, but not quite like what Vattenfall and CAKE have planned. The two companies are joining forces to develop a brand new model that is completely fossil-free from start to finish. 

The electric motorcycle segment has seen a lot of action in the past few years. The technology just keeps getting better and better with several breakthroughs happening in the performance department with regard to speed and range. Heck, there was this one guy that took a coast-to-coast trip in the United States on a Zero SR/F which indicates that a fossil-free future isn’t that impossible given how some love to go fast and others love to go far in the motorcycling community. 

Anyway, while e-motorcycles are a green alternative to the traditional fuel-powered models we so love. There is a good bit of dinosaur still used in even the “greenest” of electric bikes, so the prospect of a totally fossil-free motorcycle is an interesting idea. 

The collaborative effort will bear fruit by 2025, which is the target date for production of the Vattenfall-CAKE model. According to the Head of Corporate Sustainability at Vattenfall, Annika Ramsköld, “this collaboration is an excellent example of how we can contribute with fossil-free knowledge and supply chain expertise in a specific product that drives towards zero emissions.” Meaning to say that the project will see no fossil fuel use at every point in the product’s lifecycle, starting from the manufacturing process. 

Vattenfall and CAKE are both striving towards a fossil-free future, and it is Vattenfall’s goal to enable fossil-fuel-free living for the next generation. CAKE has already developed quite a few models already which would explain why the concept image looks similar to a dirt bike. Stefan Ytterborn, the CEO and Founder of CAKE stated that “this truly empowers our ability to further inspire towards clean transportation, together with the amazing force of Vattenfall, their initiatives and clear targets.” 

Given the two companies’ expertise, it won’t be a stretch to see the actual product come to market on its target date. Adjustments to the production process brought about by Vattenfall’s knowledge in sustainability should help CAKE produce some green results. 

Fossil-Free? Vattenfall And CAKE’s Bike Doesn’t Need Dinosaurs
Source: Philippines Election

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