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Italy Requests Exemption From E.U. Emissions Ban For Supercar Makers

In July, 2021, the European Commission, which is the governing body of the European Union, announced a plan to require 100 percent of new cars sold to be zero-emission vehicles by 2035. After RideApart asked for clarification, an EC Climate Action representative told us that this legislation only covers cars and vans, and not any two-wheelers. However, they added, motorbike emissions are covered under the separate, somewhat nebulous Effort Sharing Regulation. (We’ll link that document in our Sources so you can take a look.) 

Fast-forward to September, 2021, and the Italian government is now in talks with with the European Union about obtaining an exemption for some Italian-made vehicles. Incidentally, this is also the month when the Italian government promised to announce details of its coming electric vehicle plan. Presumably, how the E.U. responds to Italy’s entreaties to back off the zero-emissions requirement will affect that electrification plan. 

Roberto Cingolani, who is Italy’s minister for ecological transmission, said that his country stands behind the European Union’s quest to cut emissions. However, his government is also negotiating ways to shield Italian supercar makers from having to comply within that timeframe.  

Both Ferrari and Lamborghini make and sell such a small number of cars, as compared to major OEMs, that Cingolani argues this should be possible. It’s worth noting here that the minister resigned from his position as a non-executive director at Ferrari in order to assume his new role within the Italian government in February, 2021. Does he have a horse in this race, prancing or otherwise? 

So far, we have yet to see reports of other OEMs seeking similar exemptions from the upcoming deadlines. However, it’s probably safe to assume that they’re paying close attention to how Cingolani’s negotiations with the E.U. proceed. Will other OEMs ask for exemptions of their own if they find these regulations too onerous? How far can we continue to kick the can down the road before there’s no can left to kick, and/or no road left to kick it down?  

Italy Requests Exemption From E.U. Emissions Ban For Supercar Makers
Source: Philippines Election

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